Meet Our New Partner, Penny McPeak!
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Meet Our New Partner, Penny McPeak!

With a passion for photography, Penny McPeak started Penny & Lucy Lou Art in May of 2013, a truly unique art line that stands out by offering custom products for any type of interior or exterior art installation. All art is a turn-key finished product, created digitally, printed on various substrates, and manufactured in the Carolinas.  The art used in…

Shedding Light on Hallucinations
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Shedding Light on Hallucinations

Visuoperceptual Ability: “Visuoperceptual ability is a component of visual perception that enables recognition of objects based on their form, pattern, and color.”  (Irani, F. (2011). Visuoperceptual. In: Kreutzer, J.S., DeLuca, J., Caplan, B. (eds) Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology. Springer, New York, NY.) There are a number of visuoperceptual difficulties related to dementia such as: Common experiences…

Elisabeth Rydland and Carolyn Magnussen from Montessori Care with The “Joy of Doing” activity box
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The “Joy of Doing” activity box was developed by Elisabeth Rydland and Carolyn Magnussen, from Montessori Care, thanks to a generous stipend they received from The Dam Foundation and the Norwegian National Public Health Association. The box contains 7 different activities, an activity book and downloadable theme books which have been created especially for people…

The Dementia Inclusive Public Library Guide

IT’S HERE! The Dementia Inclusive Public Library Guide

I want to share an exciting new project with you. For the past year, Margaret and I have had the honor of collaborating with Barbara White (former Deputy Director for the Akron Public Library) to write a Dementia Inclusive Public Library Guide. This guide was the brainchild of Bonnie Burman from the Ohio Council of…

Ilda Guadalupe Villarreal Rodriguez

Ilda Guadalupe Villarreal Rodriguez

Ilda’s experience as a Montessori guide, combined with her understanding of the abilities, needs, and interests of the individual she worked with, allowed her to create a tailored approach using Montessori materials from various areas. She carefully modified the level of complexity and provided appropriate extensions to match the individual’s cognitive abilities. The outcomes of…

Montessori for Dementia – flower arranging activity

Joy in Slovenia – Polona Campolunghi Pegan

I work as a family physician, and for the past few years, I have been providing healthcare in two nursing homes. In addition to the most common physical symptoms, residents frequently express feelings of sadness, loneliness, and a sense of purposelessness. I often hear statements from the elderly who have moved into the nursing homes,…

Potted Plants

Let’s Get Our Hands Dirty! – Bringing Gardening to Everyone

The beauty and renewal of spring is upon us! And despite not having been in a garden or getting their hands dirty in the soil of flower beds, our elders living with dementia may have had a love of Mother Earth and we don’t even know it!

It is important that EVERY person have the ability enjoy activities they’ve loved throughout their lives.

Spring into Action – Declutter!

Spring into Action – Declutter!

The snow is melting, the sun is shining more, and it’s time to open the windows and let the spring breeze blow through the house. Getting rid of all the staleness of winter. Along with that you begin to feel the need to go through your closets, cabinets, and other areas you store items.
Great idea! But where to start?
We break it down into 4 simple steps.

Fred Ellman
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Practitioner Symposium Spotlight: Fred Ellman

This month’s Spotlight is on Fred Ellman, a man with a mission to deliver joy to the lives of Elders with dementia. He presented “Growing Mindfulness,” which showcased his Flying Compassion Garden. With Fred’s background as a toy maker, he brings imagination, connection and mindfulness together in a physical form. He shared his interactive horticulture…

Carolyn Magnusson and Elisabeth Rydland

Practitioner Symposium Spotlight: Presenters – Carolyn Magnusson and Elisabeth Rydland

Amazing ideas abound when Carolyn and Elisabeth share their thoughts and inspirations. During the Practitioner Symposium held in September, 2022, we had the pleasure of Carolyn and Elisabeth discussing what they have been doing to celebrate Montessori for use with elders. Carolyn and Elisabeth are both Montessori trained educators, who, together, founded Montessori Eldre Ressurs…

Henna Jalovaara
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Practitioner Symposium Spotlight: Henna Jalovaara

We had the privilege of having Henna Jalovaara, the founding member of Muisti Montessori, the Finnish Montessori for Dementia Association, speak at our symposium. Henna is an OT in a non-profit care home in Helsinki, Finland. This care home piloted Montessori in two of its eight households. During her presentation, Henna shared both the challenges and wins of initiating a Montessori program in her care community.