Ways to Engage Someone with Dementia in the Outdoors
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Ways to Engage Someone with Dementia in the Outdoors

Current research shows that outdoor activity promotes brain plasticity by stimulating new connections between cells in the parts of our brain responsible for speech, processing, interpreting sensory stimulation, coordination, problem solving, emotional reasoning and complex thought.  When we are outside, we are exposed to 33–66 times the amount of natural light that we receive indoors. Being…

Montessori for Elder and Dementia Care
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What is Montessori for Dementia?

Montessori philosophy, based on the principles of free choice and purposeful activity, has historically been focused on children’s education. However, its essential principles and practices are increasingly seen as critical to enhancing the lives of the older adults in our care. Central to both the Montessori philosophy and person-centered care are the core values of respect for the individual, the importance of knowing the person deeply, seeking and honoring the elder’s preferences over all aspects of his or her daily life, and creating a supportive environment that allows for continued participation in familiar and preferred activities, inside and outside.