Announcing a Partnership with Sarasota University!
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Announcing a Partnership with Sarasota University!

Brush Development Company and Sarasota University are pleased to offer our Montessori Elder Care Practitioner Certification students a Dual Enrollment option. The Dual Enrollment option is available to students interested in receiving a Montessori Elder Care Practitioner Certification from Brush Development, as well as college credits from Sarasota University. Upon successful completion of the required…

Advocating for Montessori Elder Care in Finland: Jennifer’s Fulbright Project
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Advocating for Montessori Elder Care in Finland: Jennifer’s Fulbright Project

My work through the Fulbright Finland Specialist program in the area of Public/Global Health focused on building staff competencies in person-centered care using the Montessori philosophy of living applied to elders.  The Fulbright Specialist project was hosted by MuistiMontessori, the only association in Finland dedicated to applying the Montessori philosophy to individuals living with cogntive…

Making the Pitch! Bringing Montessori to Your Care Community
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Making the Pitch! Bringing Montessori to Your Care Community

Implementing Montessori involves culture change throughout the community. You can’t do it alone. You will need the full buy-in of your community’s leadership. So how do you prepare the bring this idea to your leadership team?   Review the community’s mission and vision. Align your proposal with the organization’s objectives. Whatever you propose for the…