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Making the Pitch! Bringing Montessori to Your Care Community

Implementing Montessori involves culture change throughout the community. You can’t do it alone. You will need the full buy-in of your community’s leadership. So how do you prepare the bring this idea to your leadership team?  

Review the community's mission and vision. Align your proposal with the organization's objectives. Whatever you propose for the company must complement its strategic direction. Build the case for your idea by showing how your idea does not conflict with current priorities, but in fact supports them by planning for the future. Include specific ideas on how the changes will be more efficient and profitable for the organization. 

As part of your preparation, consider what will change as a result of what you’re proposing. If it’s going to require significant changes in how the organization provides care, be sure you will be ready to address this head on. Explain how you will create a plan with specific, measurable goals. Describe the first milestone that will indicate the project is moving in the right direction. Clearly lay out how management should judge its success. Create a vision of the community in one, two and three years from now. 

Be prepared to counter objections with reasons why you should do this. Be able to respond with a clear explanation of the benefits to staff and elders by living in a Montessori way. Cite current research to make your argument more powerful.

When you are pitching anyone on anything, don’t underestimate the importance of visual aids. Visual aids are a more powerful communicative tool than anything you could say or write, because they allow others to imagine a world in which this already exists. They make your idea real and relatable. Share the videos, free webinars, and articles on the Brush Development website. Share photos, videos, and materials from your case study work from the Practitioner Certification Class. 

If you are pitching yourself as a team leader, don't be afraid to sell yourself! Describe your education and expertise that make you right for the job. Show you have the time to lead a new project. Outline the additional resources that are available to assist. Most importantly, show your enthusiasm! Your enthusiasm about the project is contagious and it will demonstrate that you will be able to galvanize your team to success. 

Then spread the word! Put together and practice an elevator pitch (one minute or less) in which you clearly explain the Montessori philosophy to someone unfamiliar with it. As a Montessori Champion, it is crucial that you share your passion, commitment, and knowledge with as many members of the community as possible. Create a groundswell. You can do this!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead

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