Nomenclature Cards
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Introducing Montessori for Elders in Norway

Elisabeth Rydland and Carolyn Magnussen are the first AMI Certified Practitioners in Montessori for Dementia and Ageing in Norway. They share a new, rewarding perspective, one that provides a deeper value to the Montessori philosophy and enhances quality of life for elders and people with dementia.

Assistive Technology like Alexa can be a companion to seniors
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An Unusual Companion During COVID-19

Seniors living in long term care communities have been more isolated than ever during this COVID-19 pandemic. It is especially confusing and isolating for people living with dementia. Many have been quarantined in their rooms for long periods of time and have little contact with others. Here are some unexpected but helpful tools to help meet their basic needs of companionship and communication.

3 part cards (Nomenclature Cards)
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Simplicity is Often Best: Engaging Elders with Dementia

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to the materials we use for engaging elders. Most of us eagerly welcome new ideas for roles and activities. I’ve been known to come up with some pretty elaborate concepts to try and shake things up, but I have learned that keeping it simple usually works best.

One of my favorite materials are Three-Part Cards (also known as Nomenclature Cards). These cards can be used to help elders maintain and improve language skills such as reading and naming. In addition, the materials can address sequencing, attention to task, fine and gross motor skills, turn taking, conversation and reminiscence.

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How to Support Employees Who are Caring for Their Aging Parents

You may not realize it, but many of your employees are in the Sandwich Generation.  The term Sandwich Generation is often used to describe individuals who are raising children and caring for their parents at the same time.  Most are also managing a career and juggling a variety of other commitments.  Sound familiar?  You might…

Memory books make conversation easier with those with dementia
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Tips for Creating Memory Books to Enable Conversation

For people living with dementia, reading is a preserved skill. Therefore visual aids that include written information can be used as memory supports. Memory books can improve quality of life by: Helping people remember important information Making conversation easier Reducing responsive (challenging) behaviors, such as exit seeking and repetitive questioning Providing reassurance and comfort A…

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Wandering? Or walking about? When people with dementia leave the house unattended.

Recently one of my clients called me. I could tell by his voice that he was panicked and scared.  He was in the kitchen making dinner while his wife who is living with dementia, napped on the couch. Or so he thought.  When he called her for dinner she was no where to be found. …


Improving Mealtime for People Living with Dementia

Many individuals living with dementia forget to eat or become overwhelmed at the thought of preparing meals or making choices about what to eat.  Rather than care partners taking over every related to meal time, we can often modify the home environment to provide structure, but also gives the person independence, self-esteem and the knowledge that…


Communicating with People Living with Dementia

To have the most success during activities and conversations with people with dementia, care partners will need to adjust their style of communication so it is easier for the person with dementia to understand and follow the conversation.  Here are some tips that will ensure success. Consider this Sometimes it is hard to remember that…

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First Montessori for Aging and Dementia Workshop Offered in Ireland

I am excited to be traveling to Ireland in Spring 2018 to teach my From Can’t to Can Do! Montessori for Aging and Dementia workshop.  All interested in Montessori for aging are invited to attend.  Below is the announcement recently released by Saint Nicholas Montessori College of Ireland. Saint Nicholas Montessori College Ireland (SNMCI) and…