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The Joy of Discovering Preserved Abilities

In honor of Better Hearing and Speech month, I’d like to say a few words about communication and the relationships we have with our loved ones with dementia.   I’d like to share a story with you.  Last year I worked with a client who lived with frontotemporal degeneration.  I made a once weekly home…

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Noise Pollution

Individuals with dementia have difficulty filtering out irrelevant noise from the environment and focusing on relevant sounds pertinent to their communication partner. When noise bothers people with dementia it can cause them to become agitated and restless. Background noise hinders communication because it affects the ability of people with dementia to hear and focus on…


 Welcome and thank you for visiting our blog.  This is our first entry.  We hope that you will stop by here regularly to read our thoughts about dementia care and share your comments and ideas with us.  We enjoy connecting with families, health care professionals, and people who are experiencing life with dementia.  Kerry is…