What do You Envision for 2023?

What do You Envision for 2023?

Many people resolve to do things differently, better, or more or less often in the new year. These resolutions typically start off with gusto and sometimes fizzle out quickly, making us feel bad that we didn't keep our resolution. For years, instead of making resolutions, I have created a vision board for myself. I think about what I would like to see or do in my personal, professional, and spiritual life and make a collage of drawings, words, photos, whatever inspires me. I enjoy this creative activity and it's fun to revisit the board throughout the year to remind me of my desires. It helps to keep me focused, but also feels like it is giving me permission to allow things to unfold in the way they are meant to be. Sometimes I can envision myself doing something, but I have no idea of the steps to get there, and that's okay. By merely setting the intention, we begin to put the forces into play that will lead us on the path to our goals. Even though the board is hanging in my office where I can see it every day, sometimes I am truly surprised when I glance over and realize how many of experiences on the board have manifested in my life!

When we work with clients who want to create a Montessori community, one of the first things we coach them to do is create a vision statement. During the visioning work, we ask them to imagine what their community could look, smell, sound, and feel like in a year. We challenge them to think about what could be in the best possible situation. We encourage them to dream, to push the boundaries, to have faith that if they can dream it, it can happen. Some communities have made poster boards with collages that express their vision that they refer back to. Once a community refines its vision statement, we help to guide them through the steps that can help make it become a reality. During this collaboration, we understand we may not know how to do it all, but we trust with enthusiasm that by working together, for the good of the elders, we will make beautiful things happen.

As we begin 2023, take time to dream and create a vision for you personally, professionally, and for your elder care community. Imagine that nothing was holding you back – what could you accomplish?